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♥Pudding Prince Koh♥


♥Jelly Princess Seah♥

♥Our sweet 20♥

♥Our Lover's Nest♥




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Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Well well people.... I'm back to continue on this blog. Even though quite a heavy mishap happen between some "two countries" thingy. But nevertheless the princess and the prince would be back for more posting. Do keep a look out for us! :D

writtern @6:05 pm

Thursday, 30 July 2009

HEllo! WE R Finally back with the Blog yeah! hehe well.. we will update more often with good food,nice places tat we went,nice this to look out on this blog! so stay tune=) yeah! haha.. well.. i think i have tons to share but i don wanna write essays on the blog this will make the reader sleep haha..

okie i shall blog with pictures n words=)

These pictures below is taken at his hse.. haha he said he will cook breakfast for me! den we can watch boys before flower! lol.. haha but end up i also got to cook! lol.. =x he v jing zhang when i in his hse... hahaa cook also got problem with it... haiyoyo... next time i muz train him.. hee

Boys before flower=) on the screen=D haha he busy eating n watching>

See his leggy~ haiyoyo=x heehee he too forcus already


my new bed sheet=) hehe w/o winnie the pooh=)haha w/o my babies=(

Oh yeah! i got free tickets to explande i donno how to spell><>
Starting already!
haha after the show! we went for supper!lol he bought something tat i like! keee.. huggies!

last culinary club we make 9 layer kuey! haha its call jiu chen gao..=)

Nice colours ma? hehe

Mixing colours time=)

on the same day.. after making the kuey i got to rush to my frenz 21th bday tgt with his son's bday=D me n joyce bought this for zavier.. haha he loves it! he totally v happy abt it!

HAHA Cutting cake time!

Photo taking session=)

oh well on the way home i saw this young lady seating like this behide me! =.=! lol
oh yeash! this day i bring him to my "childhood place" haha! we ate my fav wanton mee! heee the whole meal is like onli $10=x feel 2 of us de tummy
The carrot cake finger food! yummy!
Oh abt this crab tat day me n my family went all the way to geylang jus to eat hahaa haha its freaking big lo=x haha the meal like tat we eat is abt $100=.= haha mor photo of this stall n food de but now late le will update next time
Signing off:PrincesssMASS

writtern @1:04 am

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Alright the first post of the new skin of this blog is up for now. And still DANG i'm darn tired but i know i've got to do this. Well one thing very special about me is that I always love to do such things during the coming exam. Maybe it kinda remind that for once i should know about my school works and other stuff instead of always gaming. Oh and did I tell u guy what game have I been playing recently? Well the most hardcore of it is Dragonica do check them out its really very addictive game if you can see it in certain perspective. Prototype is the second top list in my game list that i'm still currently playing. But EXAMS are indeed close so I need alot of constant reminders that I still need to study. Got to absorb with a fresh mind like what or how people usually said. Oh well with that I'll end my post now. Will be blogging again very soon. Maybe in a few hours time? Cya~ ;-)

Signing off: IM BACK! - Prince

writtern @12:00 am

Sunday, 24 May 2009

hi all=) well.. its blogging time.. haha finding topics n pics to upload n stuff=)
on friday night i uploaded wha is taken on friday! lol..den i did told this guy in this pic tat i will edit his pimple.. lol.. yeap=)
well.. shall cover this weekends.. haha.. meet my prince in bugis on sat! lol.. went for lunch! he bought me popiah.. haha i told him i can onli ate abit i thought he will onli buy 1 popiah for me.. but he bought 2... lol.. so the rest tat i cannot finish he finish.. hee..

after i went home gotta practice on my keyboard haha gotta play on sat in fu jian congre in church! thier keyboard is so cute lo! lol like for kids sia.. still got light wan=.= lol

after church my churchmates n i went for lunch at prince corner in coronation! hahhaa super cheap deals sia my lunch is onli $6.50! for a chicken chop with drinks,bread,soup n the chickenchop with eggs! drool! wha kaka anyone interested to try tat one day? haha tell me! i bring u all there.. lol!

pics to show the food=)

this pic below is taken by my fren arthur! haha his pork chop

my chicken chop

joyce n hanxin=)

hanxin n johnathan

here come the big size arthur! haha he grown fatter!

after the meal we went to swirls.. i think lol. cannot rmb the names... for ice cream n board games! lol! there have alot of various package for parties all this! lol! so cool lo.. n the board games there r free! jus have to purchaase the ice cream to enjoy the n spend time there! worth rite? single scoop its onli $3.. 3 scope onli $6


haha they have started on board games

the 3 scope serving.. lol..

my rum n rasin! yummy~

we were playing some card guessing game! lol having funs there=)

haha alright tats all for today=) haiz tml its MONDAY~~~ arghh~~~

signing off:princessboard

writtern @8:43 pm

Sunday, 17 May 2009

hello=) haha jus woke up.. kee.. well.. gotcha some photos to update=) kee.. from the oldest first k? hehe...

this is jus a random photo in class lol. this china couple.. OMG! don ever see them eating infront of u its disgusting especially the guy=.= omg.. see the leg..roar!evertime see his leg hor.. always bear foot de leh... nv cover also

haha next! forget abt tat disgusting photo.. take a look at this cute little gal in the train.. hee... she is sooo cute! u know y? not becos she looks chubby or wha is hor.. she can also play with strangers like me! hahaha=)

see! she is looking at me while she is eating=) hehe! so cute nor....

next its MR TAN'S DOUGHNUT DAY! hahaha! mr tan is a v nice teacher he went outside to learnt abt baking n he don mind sharing with us his recipt^^ haha v nice doughnut! even baby loves it too! right baby?

The frying part of the doughnut

n its done=) haha.. cutting it into piece for ppl to try=)

next! today its sunday=) well.. eating dinner at my fav dim sum resturant=) hee.. at yum cha.. this is the first round dishes tat is been served=) haha.. the second round or wha i nv take le.. hehe sry arh.. too nice le.. forget everything lol guess who i saw today? its my class de "lao pa" wor! he working there! hahah tat time he told me he is helping out with his uncle's resturant so its yum cha tat he is helping out with lol.. if u go look out for him k? lol.. ard 178-180 for height! super long eyebrown! haha.. not v handsome=x.. hahha.. well.. he saw me today n treat me dumplings.. hehee.. after our meals we pay le went out.. haha.. he also jus nice work finish le.. den he told me tat actually this resturant its a family business lol=) well. hehe...hm... my fav desert its below! take a look! heee....

Look! mango erm erm.. i donno the dish in english.. in chinese its mango si mi lu~ haha is u know wha i talking abt=)

see! lol..

yummy yummg! hee..

well.. i guess i shall stop here n move on to do other things=) take care=)
signing off: mass loaded Princess=)

writtern @7:28 pm

Sunday, 10 May 2009

oh yeah! its sunday today! haha well.. hm.. today i jus have to mood to clean this dusty blog.. hee
hm.. well.. this few days not too bad~ n finally today i got 6 bottles of opi nail polish! hoho!! take a look!=) hahah so beautiful rite? lol got 3 of it is not mine.. haha but jus taking a picture of it...=) lol.. so anyone out there reading my blog if u interested in this opi nail polish tell me! okie! i got good price hahah.. i went to metro n see opi nail polish its $23 plus for a bottle n i can get it at 12 lol.. n for designer series metro sell 32 plus i can get it at the price of 16.. hoho! alright.. gotta go find my baby=) miss miss~

Signing off:Nail polish Princess

writtern @2:24 pm