Alrighty people its the prince again here woo hoo hey woah seems like its growing web around here. I bet pretty sure that someone is going to agree with the web growing around here thingy. XD. So SORRY PEOPLE I bet ya miss me alrighty? Hahas not to be so thick skin but thats just me for this hour. Well like what've said is the previous post of mine I'll be actually posting hmm short postes this time round cause I find it at least it isn't very wordy this and that :P. So here goes for the lastest buzz for today.
House shifting!! Of course its definately a late post so sorry guys again please bear with me as I know or maybe you guys know that i've already shifted :P. Well this post that i'm going to post today is going to show you guys how is the house be look like when its like half way done? Hahas so enjoy the photos.
Well its going to be a boring start cause i'm like getting bored :P. As you can see this is the so call master bed room actually.... come to think of it not really. This is just a room for my mom. Cause we're staying in a 3 room flat.
The kitchen cabinet suppose to be here where the hell is it?!?!??! *oh its not today fix? Sorry my bad*
one bath room another one toliet. Yea I know its the old fashion style
hmm what can i say about this? Well the paint as done up well and well has been plastered well and yep the floor tiles blended welly goody ol good :D.
amazing my cupboards can actually fit in this room. Anyway I still keep my cupboard strong in shape heh?
My ROOM! Welcome people. Yesh its damn messy as you can see...... =/
Erm this is how it look like when my cupboard is next to the entrance.
My hall way. Well what can you expect?
My lovely lights. Better then my previous house lights. This is definately much better.
Well just another clearer picture of it.
This is the part that my fridge is going to stand.
Overall look nice rite? Looks long.

from the hall view to the kitchen view
Signing off: Prince-in-a-bag-2