Well hi people again~ I know its been really long since the last post and yup probably this will be the next long post again~. Anyway I can't really remember some of the previous events that I can talk about BUT! For sure I can tell you guys about come really recent major event going on between me and princess. So here goes...
Recently we decided to go for ice skating!! Its so rare for us to go especally we are movies addicts. But yea in the end still went for it and eveything went very smooth of course. But after the ice skating thingy I had a major headache but still continue to the next event which is MOVIES of course! Hahas. Watched this show called Australia. A very nice and touching show full of love and brave act in there. Oh I guess I was really so excited in telling everyone that I actually went for the ice skate and forget to tell you guys that princess came my house. Had so much family couple kinda war in my house so cool and fun! Hahas I guess I'll stop here for now and show you guys what are the photos that we took for the ice skating event thingy.

(The outcome of my hair that she adjusted)

(oh this was taken at my house well we actually cook together :p)

(well the big one is hers whereas the plate is mine)
To the next topic. Well everyone staying in the east actually might think that jurong is seriously a very far place to go. And probably boring because of all the housing estates and also the factories which actually made the place very smoky so smokers would actually love that place alot I guess. Actually I love that place too. Well Infact I find the shopping mall the most interesting one. Hahas its always full of people. The purpose I went there is because my dad needs to see the company doc. Cause company require him to always go for check up same goes to every bus driver. So my mum and I went to walk around the shopping centre and actually found many interesting stuff. Enjoy the photos below~

(This is the japan area where many jap stalls are here. Sushi here I come!)
(One of the unique displays that shows that it is a japanese street)
(0-0 is this alaska crab?! I WANT!!)
Right after the shopping mall trip my my and dad actually brought me to this place call hogpark. Totally no idea how this name comes about but actually it refers to the entire place is a garden. Its really a very spectatular view. I took many photos using my digicams but I didn't manage to upload them so probably about later I upload them to let you guys see how great the view is. Lucky enough that there are afew photos that I took using my handphone. So enjoy.
To the next topic again~! Well actually before the trip to the ice skating ring with princess. I've actually got to research about the place and wha transport enable us to reach there. So my parents actually help me to find the place for me. And we went into the shopping mall which is call as kallang leisure park. Manage to took some interesting photos from certain stalls. So enjoy the photos below.
(The old school mini bike for babies?)
(WOW such a old cam corder?!)
(I hope can i drink vokal with this~)
Finally now that I remembered! There was another outing that me and princess went which is a totally movie outing together. And I believe that day was christmas. The wow thing is that I brought her a bag which is so rare of me to actually buy her stuff. But I really don't know but just really want to buy her something that she really need it at the current moment. Damn part is that I can't remember what movie did we actually watch on that day. *5mins of thinking*. Never mind. Anyway before the movie and any other things. We went for our lunch I believe and the food was really fantastic. Its more like a western house or a steak house. Its call Aston. A pretty reasonable price or place for us teens to actually taste such a pretty high class enviroment and food. Lastly after everything we went to take neoprints I guess. Then we actually saw this arcade machine that is so cool I don't really know how to explain but is a musical play box. The photos will tells it all so enjoy~~

(I'm not bored over the food is just that I love doing that action lol)
(Tadaa our food is here~)
(YESH! Finally took her bored look)
(This is the aracade game i'm talking about! Cool right?!)
Well as for now or rather the rest of the photos will be some of the pictures of my life photos that I took randomly outside in the public so enjoy~
(So cute)
(My windy hair outcome cool right?!)
So I guess I'll end my speech here. EH?! What speech?! Hahas nevermind I'll just end this topic now so stay tune of the postes from lovers blog ;)!
Signing off: photo-giraffe Prince