Suddenly I really felt like telling people about what song am I listening now. Its Right Here Right Now from high school musical 3.
Anyway hi people... 2 topics for today. One is about the 10 touching things that princess actually did for me and another is about a old korean movie that we actually watched together in youtube while having webbies cammies on. Lastly there will be some yesterday event that I did for my YEP community service and some celecration going on.
First thing first HAPPY B-DAY TO DAVID FOR TURNING hmm 18 i guess? ANYWAY HAPPY B-DAY! *Even though he can't see it here*
So i'll start off wif yesterdays event for YEP. Well I had a community service that was suppose to bring kids from meta school to botanical garden but it was cancell at the end which I couldn't really be bothered with why is the reason that they cancell. But anyway we continue the event by teaching the kids there on how to make pokka bottles pencil boxs and music shaker with pokka bottles. Yea POKKA bottles... Darn it was really hard to cut off certain parts of the bottle. Really very sorry for you guys but I don't have any photos for those event thingy. We had games with the kids too I shan't be elaborating them much because its quite messy at that time but we had alot of fun. While playing games with the kids which is just outside the centre. Afew of us which is the YEP members saw kittens which is so freaking cute. I would also like to take the opportunity to thanks Gabriel for posing for me in the video with the kittens. XD so you people do enjoy the video alright?!
After the community service at meta school, we were actually planning something for one of our friend David because it was his b-day. He didn't really know that we're actually planning it. His face was so cute la!!! Cause his like freaking tired bored those kind you know? XD Anyway the plan was him to watch a video that his best friend which is Jia Hao prepared for him plus afew of us. By the way this celebration happens at bedok kfc. Anyway Jia Hao was pulling David to the laptop and showed him as if no one is interested and only him and David which we actually did it on purpose. When the video started he was very shock. And I mean seriously very shock because he actually scream out of joy XD hyper siaaaaaaa... Then while he was watching the laptop so engrossly slowly another best friend came and bring in the cake while the rest of us sing happy b-day song for him. PLEASE la I can quite tell that he almost teared. Anyway the ending was really beautiful and plus point is that I get to see my nitec classmate how cool can it be? XD Anyway I will end here for the events part.
Oh I've forgot to mention that Chirs which is another of my Cambodia YEP teammate gave all of us a DVD with loads of photos of our trip there and a surprise photo in the DVD. So I'm placing the surprise photo here. Enjoy... And I'm really touch seeing it... Thanks alot Chris...

Next I'll touch on to the Movie that I just watch with princess throught youtube with the web cam on. The movie was My Sassy girl... Really an old school movie. But it was really very touching it even made me and princess cried for afew times la. Hahas. In the end we were really happy about the result. As I can remember After the show I knew that I'm suppose to stay beside her everytime after a very touching show that she watch because.... hahas I don't really know how to explain this but she just needs me there. But I got to go dinnering with my mom and didn't really get to be on the phone or web cam with her. I'm really sry baby but I'm glad that you always understand that i'm doing this because you know my mom temper.... *sigh* ANYWAY! You people can catch the movie in youtube. Just got to type My Sassy Girl Subbed part 1 or 14 either one you choose cause its until 14 at the search space and of course click search....
Now for the last thingy. Which is the 10 touching things that happen in my life when I'm with her.
1. She told me that those were the past when I purposely disturb her and told her that why isn't shes like those days where she usually argue with me.
2. When she told me during the middle of the night that she confess that she actually know what is going on and didn't promise she always be understanding because she IS already understanding its more like in her blood.
3. When she didn't fail to put down the phone when I'm having very serious attitude problem
4. Never fail to sayang me all the way just like the way I did to her
5. When I'm gone for 2 weeks to Cambodia. She send me sms almost 4 times a week and 3 to 5 times a day. Sending messages of thoughts on what am I doing now and always guessing her way of what i'm doing to kill her time so that the 2 weeks will last fast am I right darling? I know... *hugz*.
6. During the 2 weeks of Cambodia she did a glass of folded heart shapes crafts with red paper. She even got a cut from it *hugz*. And each heart has numbers which represent our days together. Althought I can't really bring the glass to my house. But whats the different? Her house my house? Hahas I don't really see any differents cause with princess around everything go rounds and smooth and alright....
7. When she never fails to nag at me and shoot back at me when I'm sick or there is a opportunity to argue back a topic to make me realise what I've done wrong in a very cute and funny way that she knew that I love it so much when she does those arguements or nagging..
8. It really touches me when she tells me how much it feels like yesterday we were arguing like besties that just got into a relationship.
9. When tries to wake me up when I'm slping during class because usually when I'm slping I'll ask for her help. XD
10. When she smile... It really makes me happy AND I got photos of it but not posting it today hahas NEXT TIME!!! so stay tune people.
Princess! I've already completed the 10 thing that touches me when I'm with you. Its your turn now. I'll be giving you your number one thing later in sms so that you can post it up as 1. like me XD. Alright I guess I'll stop here... Got to catch up with my babe...cya...
Signing off: touchy touches prince