Wao... its weekend today=) hehe... today got up early to go for sports n wellness... haha... actually don feel like going... lol... not enuff slp... eyes r painful... =x but i have to... haiz.. so when we reach the sch... we look for the teacher... the teacher onli let our class the guys to play basketball.. n we were like nth to do... so we asked teacher to let us go have our breakfast... haha.. well.. we went over to the oppersite of the sch's coffeeshop to have our breakfast..=) we saw our section head haha.. pris wanna go n complain some stuff abt her work haha..den we asked our sh to come seat with us n chat.. haha... yeah we "chat"... or should i used the "complain" haha... we chat until like 1 hour plus.. lol.. den we eat our breakfast den go our class..
after our class.. we go for our Health education session at the health zone.. located at SGH! ard 2pm-3pm we go for nutrition mix n match:Mind your body workshop... den 3-4pm self explore tour of healthzone...
so on the way to health zone....i took alot of pics.. hehe...
Entrance of the Healthzone
the moment i step in...
haha.. this is where the self exploratory tour first station.. (the playground)
u need to cycle till the ball in the tube reach the top
Vertical Limit! (jus step to play) haha..
haha this is cute.. test ur strength!(Hmm.. wonder how strong is my baby XD)
Aww.. this is trying to tell ppl.. no matter wad don't drink n drive...(it may cos accident)
see tat guy holding a bored saying "Smoking kills me"
What a big Toothpaste! hehe...
WAH.. Wad a big teeth! n i'm like a food.. (big fat food) XD
Wao.. we can take our Blood presure here! haha.. lets see how much is mine...
Oh.. 108XD..
haha i m NORMAL haha!Wao this station is talking abt babiess... (darling.. interested? XD)
eeeww... disgusting area....(vomit)
Woot a males body=)
What a big foot! eeww...
Oh.. this is a wonderful game by subway... haha.. can make our v own bread..hehe..My final buger!hehe..
Another game! haha.. Choose a better n healthier food for tat guy!
Oh the v last time tat i see before coming out of the tour. so we should SMMILLEE MORE!!=D
After our tour.. we can go home ourself from there... so my frenz n i went to visit my grandfather.. but he is sleeping.. so we went to the new banquet to eat... lol... we ordered western meal.. $8 sia my meal=x
My dinner for the day.. with a mushroom soup..=D
Our DINNER! yumyum!
After our dinner we go home lo.. haha.. den i call my baby boy... ask him wad he doing.. he said he is going home.. wahkaka... happi! means i can share all my stuff tat i enjoy today with him soon! hehe. ask him to msg me while i m on the train.. haha.. i guess his phone maybe got problem cannot msg me.. n i hold the phone so tight n listening to mp3... n fall asleep.. haha... but too happy liao wanna get back home early so tat can wait for his call at home.. hehe.. now still waiting.. den forget tat i already injured my leg behide the skin.. hurhur... still walk so fast haha... now pain pain.. lol... nvm.. later my baby can b my medicine=)
hurhur.. the skin came out=x OUCH!signing off:WaitingPrincess
Labels: blood, grandfather, Healthzone, western